
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday morning - enjoying my coffee

Heather & me will be heading out for an XC soon - in the afternoon I will get out on the cross bike for a spin.
Was at JR for a bit yesterday - very diffferent crowd on a Sat. afternoon vs. a Tuesday evening.  Fairly sure I was the oldest guy riding, and maybe one other in his forties. :( 

Friday I got out for another run - an exact same 7.75km loop that I did last Wednesday. Was feeling strong, yeah, let's shatter the  time from last week.  Run completed in 46:48 exactly 1min11sec faster than last time.  Not nearly as quicker as I thought it was.  I am liking this route - and I may make it a little "time trial" route.

Had my new walkman out - whoops, strike that,  I keep dating myself - I took my first run with my 16gb Ipod Nano - very slick.  Spent my 46:48 running with Rinôçerôse playing.  Thinking I am going to have play something a little more up tempo if I want to go faster.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work man. Two martinis a beer and a glass of wine WRECKED me last night during our "date" night. Chillin today(spin yesterday) and go hard M,W, F this and next week. Big 2 plus hour saddle time next weekend and we should be all ready to have some serious quality play time ;)
