
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday morning - enjoying my coffee

Heather & me will be heading out for an XC soon - in the afternoon I will get out on the cross bike for a spin.
Was at JR for a bit yesterday - very diffferent crowd on a Sat. afternoon vs. a Tuesday evening.  Fairly sure I was the oldest guy riding, and maybe one other in his forties. :( 

Friday I got out for another run - an exact same 7.75km loop that I did last Wednesday. Was feeling strong, yeah, let's shatter the  time from last week.  Run completed in 46:48 exactly 1min11sec faster than last time.  Not nearly as quicker as I thought it was.  I am liking this route - and I may make it a little "time trial" route.

Had my new walkman out - whoops, strike that,  I keep dating myself - I took my first run with my 16gb Ipod Nano - very slick.  Spent my 46:48 running with Rinôçerôse playing.  Thinking I am going to have play something a little more up tempo if I want to go faster.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Feb 22 update

Chilly ride tonight. Rode from 3 rocks with Carmen for about 2hrs & 37k on the dirt roads.  -13c.
1866 feet of climbing
125bpm ave/hr
Looking forward to warm weather.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sat. Feb 19th spin

Decided to do a basement spin at Marks place yesterday, plan was to follow coach Troy - but I just wasn't feelin like listening to him - so we ditched that and threw on a MTB video - what was it, will put the name in when I remember, good music, went well with the surroundings.
Once the biking video was done, what next?  SRV rocks!  intervals to guitar solos Yeah

No heart rate, about 1.5hrs.  Good session

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Epic Faceplant at Joyride, and a Feb. spring ride

First I'l speak about the epic facepant - The night was going well - too well, I landed two new transfers, was taking many drops, balance was great.  My fall came in a spot that, well isn't really that difficult, see below for the "dramatic recreation"

Really, not a tough section to make, by this point I have cleared the 6" wide ledge drop-in and the log section

Well, I was off balance - bike went oneway, I put my hands out to grab the platform, and didn't quite make it. Ouch - taste the blood in the mouth, feeling like the nose is broken, thinking I am going to need some dental work.  Fortunately only blood, no missing teeth - the chips in my mouth appear to be from the wood platform.
Anyways two days later and the mouth is feeling much better, swelling on the chin has gone down.

I also have some nice arm scrapes

That was Thursday.  Yesterday (which looked way different than today) was beautiful - I took the afternoon off and got in an 80k+ ride - up past Ravenshoe. Very cool Very Windy.  So good to feel the warmth of the sun.
This was in Mt. Albert.

Ride details here

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ziggy Run

I was feeling like doing "something" tonight...and a run it was.  I loaded up the walkman with Ziggy Stardust. I have listened to several songs from this album over the years, but until tonight had never played it.  What a great album, really good company for on a 48 minute ride -and added bonus, I didn't realize it, but this was the 30th aniversary edition with many added tracks.  So cool.
Almost a full moon, no need for the headlight, felt strong.  7.75km, no stopping, a good (for me) pace.  Details are here
Monday was a 1hr spin at JoyrideFit studio, and 1.5hrs of playtime for me last night were transfers. 
Sunday was a tough 75k ride. 
Joyride tomorrow.
Friday afternoon plan is to get 80 - 100k on the cross bike.

Friday, February 11, 2011


One view from my basement. Credits to Heather.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pass the salt please

Yikes - Thursday already, and I just finished cleaning my superlight after the Sunday ride -so much salt.  It really boggles my mind, how much salt was on the bike (wasn't even thinking of the damage I was doing to the bike not cleaning it off right away).

Anyway, today is Thursday and that means ....Joyride!!! :)  I renewed my membership this past Sat. seems I have been there 60+ times in the last year. 
That often Tom...then why the f*ck can't you do a transition or a tail whip?

This week has been good, ran maybe 2k last night, 
Tues I did 90min on the trainer ...really good night on the trainer..80's music and some early 2000's techno kept me going.

Looking forward to some warmer temperatures this weekend, and another metric century.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Good long ride today

Mild temps - what else to do but go for a ride or an XC.  Full day free.  Meet up with Carmen at 3 rocks, decide to head out on the bikes26" mtn bikes for a road/dirt road ride.  Wasn't feeling so great and when we hit the first of the hills, I really didn't feel to good, but an hour or so into it, and an easy pace (as my riding partner wasn't feeling 100% either) and I was feeling much better.
It snowed last night - so there was a fresh 5" of the white stuff coating everything (including the dirt roads - the paved ones were wet).
Very cool scenery though - it really is a beatiful area, southern Ontario forests, streams and farmlands.  We saw , horses wearing coats, a field of turkeys, cows (fascinated by the cyclists) a pair of woodpeckers, a murder of crows, a pond filled with geese - lots of wildlife on this overcast day. The kind of ride that in hindsight makes you wish you took photos of the ride, then you remember, you were constantly being splashed with mud, slush, salty water etc.

We headed south to Greenwood, and completed our 33k loop, but decided we should ride a bit more - at least to the top of the hill.  67km later, for a total of 100k and almost 4,000 feet of climbing we arrived back at the car, after skirting the edge of Uxbridge, then heading into Zephyr. Details here  Hat's off to Carmen for being one of the people that can put up with a cold wet winter slush ride.
Finished up with a hottub and am watching the game as I type this.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I registered for a couple 100 mile races tonight, the Mohican100 - I did this last year, it was the toughest race I have ever done, see the report here
I also registered for the Lumberjack 100.

No riding tonight.