
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Nice new route for me

Warm day, decided I would take a different route and head down to the lake.
70k round trip (I would have like to have left earlier, and made it into a 90k ride)
Around the Zoo, and along side the Rouge
Lots of paved ravine trails, a really cool route (although I do need to switch it up a bit, too much time on Morningside).  Yes, I brought the lamps - good thing too as I took my time getting home, and got a flat. In the dark.  No problem, with the light, new tube and I was on my way again.  I will do this route again, but head further east into Pickering next time.
Full details are here  

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tues. Dec 28 Updates

We switched things up today, and got out the XC skis.  Mark & Brian w/ Mr. John Connors on the bike
Beautiful in the trees
I am going to guess 12k - a good pace, feeling stiff now.
After the parking lot beers, was about to leave when Sean Van D. showed up with the bike and a couple buddies - what the heck, I had my bike with me, so I joined them for an hour and a bit, maybe 12k, real hard work riding the trails in the snow.
Lovin the time off work! Yee Haw!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Updates for Dec. 27

Dec 27 was a spin in the basement
aveHR 138

Ride yesterday(Sunday Dec. 26) was Cold. Windy.
3hrs 35min, 61k
AveHR 127
2451 feet of climbing

Dec 24
20 min spin in the basement

Heading out for a snowshoe in a few minutes

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Back on track

Well I made it through the weekend with out blowing it completely.  The ride on Sunday was good - managed 54k with close to 3,000 feet of climbing, later in the day I got a 4k outside run in (yes, I do have a treadmill...will post photos of the cave soon)
Monday was Joyride and a breakthrough.  I finally managed to do a bunny hop, on flat ground.  Yes I have been struggling with this one for a long time, just could not get it - a J hop, lift your bike, throw it forward and pick up the back end, so many instructions, nothing seemed to work, I guess it just takes me a while.  Funny how it all came together though.  On my last 2 visits I was able to get the back wheel in the air riding up a ramp to a platform.  That all took off on Monday - I was getting more and more air - guessing 2 -3 feet, it felt like I was able to cup the pedals with my feet.  I tried from there to launch on flat ground, 2" then 6" then a foot of air.  A few more tips from Tom (Silent Sports) and I was launching the front end even higher and bringing the back up. Can't wait to get back out on the trails and start launching on every rise.
Finally, last night my good friend John agreed to an outside ride, followed by a run.  31k 1500 feet of climbing on the bike, then a good 2k in snow uphill and down hill slog.  I say "agreed" because, lets face it, when it is -7c and a strong headwind, who really wants to ride in that?  Once we were out there, and were no longer heading north into the wind, it was great, night time, crisp snowy roads discussing religion, science and Cartesian philosophy.  Top it off, as we are both trying to control the weight - no beer in the parking lot afterwards.  All this is starting to pay off as the scale today said 196.6.  
More later..Ride on!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The week so far...

It has been a good week, I haven't worked out every day - needed to take Thurs & Sat off for recovery, but did get in 2 runs and 2 rides, or spins actually.  Monday in my basement, and Wednesday at Joyride...good setup there.  Funny thing is I was thinking during the session, wish there were more pyramid sets, not really a hard session.  What I forgot was we were doing a whole lot of standing on the pedals, seemed like close to half of the session was out of the saddle.  I really felt it on Thursday.  Thanks to my friend Lyndsay that lead the session.

Today, Sunday I will be doing a mtn/dirt road training ride with Mark, Martin and Carmen.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Stop the Madness!

Stop the Madness!
Yes, as we move into winter and the Christmas season, with the LCBO stocking some exceptional beers*; chocolates appearing in the office, home baked cookies, pub time, an so on, I see my weight slowly climbing. This Monday morning the scale said 200.2 lbs.
That after a weekend pizzas and beer. 200.2 even with rides on Sat. & Sunday.  
200.2 and it is not even Christmas.
Effective immediately, I am enrolling myself in a one week boot camp, conducted by myself. I will exercise (ride or run) every day until Dec. 20.
Update:Just completed 5k 37min treadmill run.

I have a real weakness for the first out and get them while you can.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thurs. Night Hammer...epic chain drop

Thurs. Night in the forest, good people, good times.  My legs were not feeling strong, still recovering from Tuesday, and the snow, mud, muck made it that much tougher to turn the cranks.  I droped the chain as well - 3 times I think,, and each time when powering the cranks, resulting in a pedal to the calf - ouch.  Cleaning the bike today I see either the cause or the result.

No stats for tonight, I would guess 15k - it felt like a true winter ride.
Off to Joyride for a bit now.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Really cool ride today at Ganaraska forest

Yeah! How cool is that, eight of us decide to take the day off work to ride. November 16 2010, Ganaraska forest and it is 10c.
I had been wanting to get back there and complete Paul's 60k loop. Carmen (thanks for the pictures) and I had been trying to make it happen since August.  We finally got our day.  This was only my third time out there, and I liked it more today than ever before (mostly because all the Poison Ivy is gone, covered with leaves (fingers crossed...I really don't want another bout of PI).

At 10.30 the 8 of us headed out..did I mention it was 10c?  We were soon removing layers.
a shot from the trail. miles and miles of single track.  It makes Durham seem small.
Happy face says it all
Wondering what Chris & me were saying

And yes, I was on a SS rigid 29r.  F*#k I wanted gears today.
Not many more days like this, this season.
Thanks so much guys (and girl) for coming out and making this happen.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Training report
15k energy in the legs, turned it into a bit of a recovery ride.

Friday ride at Durham

Was back out at Durham again yesterday (and hopefully today as well!).  Met up with Rick Meloff for a ride, and a father & son both on 29r SS that had never been to the forest. 13c! Sunshine!  We took them on a 30k+ tour.
Details here...

I had to stop and do a "doubletake" at one point. There is a spot known as "the pines" in GlenMajor, where there is a downed tree not far off the trail, and many people have commented that, as you fly by, it looks like a bear...well someone decided to have fun with that....
Thanks to Rick Meloff for the photos

Friday, November 12, 2010


Re-activating the blog.
I haven't written much (well two months since I have written).
In conversation with Mr B we are going to start recording our training. A couple years ago a few of us, John, Guy, Winston, all shared a blog where we recorded our training rides.  It worked really well to keep us motivated through the winter.
So here we go...
Good ride last night...large crew out, maybe 12 of us, stayed on the Durham forest side, 27k 800m of climbing, no heart rate monitor.  Just fun. Good times. Beer & pretzels in the parking lot with good tunes & a fire.

Wow, since Jan 1st I have managed to ride 3500km - mostly mountain biking

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Saturday Ride

Joined the DMBA group on Saturday to do an end of season epic ride through Durham forest and onto some private trails.
Very cool....look at the Garmin data to see the density of these private trails (just east of lakeridge)
My ride was cut a little short due to a crash resulting in some bruised ribs.  Hope to be back on the bike this Thursday.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Thurs. night ride

Got out a little late for a ride with the regular group....timed it just right by parking at the bell towers - meeting them as they crossed over to GM/WW.
This was our first time this season bringing out the we seem to be getting back to the parking around 9pm.
Usual fun, crazy fast ride...even up at a higher intensity with superfast Alan being out.  On the final climb out of Glen up the hill in the dark (with lights), I was dropped (yeah it felt harsh) by Geoff & Alan --- I mean these guys opened a gap on the uphill of 100m in seconds - wow.  Unfortunately Alan took a nasty endo in one of those trenches that had opened up from the rain, hopefully only some bruised ribs.

I'm off to Detroit for my bro's wedding this weekend (YeeeHaw! George you are finally doing it!  Congratulations!), will do a hard ride Monday night.
Best of luck to Johnny B. doing a 24 solo this weekend.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuesday night road ride

Got out with Martin for a good 80k ride last night...first time in a month since I have been on the road bike, ride to Zephyr & back, perfect August late afternoon/evening


Was also back at Joyride on Monday.  Tonight run, or easy ride.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Back in the saddle!
Thursday night went well, fun, fast ride, however taking 8 days off and consuming mostly beer & frenchfries didn't do my endurance any good.  Was thoroughly trashed by Geoff on the final climb (Geoff if you are reading, this is my motivation to get fit again).
Was out on Sunday with Mark, where Mr. John Connors & Carmen Sweet toured us through the Ganny for a 30k+-.  They are both really strong..John especially after a couple weeks in France leading a couple of "shadow tours" of the tour de France with his Alpine Cycling company.

Now two days after our ride in the Ganny, I am waiting to see if I will have the dreaded poison ivy rash.

Stats are here....  I am planning on going back in a couple weeks to do the full 60k loop

Thursday, August 19, 2010

8 days

Yes, 8 days since I have been on the bike...and I think it has only been 2 times this month!  Work, excuse but it is what it is.
So tonight I will be back with the Thursday night will be painful.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Tough race

This past Saturday was the Summer 8 hour at Hardwood hills. I was in the single speed solo category.  Interesting race....the course was great, the conditions were humid.  What else? After crashing for the 5th time during the race, I suddenly remembered..."hey buddy, you are on small block 8's....that's why you keep wiping out"; yes, those small block 8's - (which the only other time I used them was in the spring 8hr solo) are a fast rolling race tire...but they don't grip well, and when you throw in a few wet roots..well one second you are just riding along, the next second you are on the ground assessing what hurts.  Long story short....I am the sorest I have been since I learned how to snowboard...I am bruised all over. Ibuprofen is my friend.
In brief  ...really good course, conditions were humid beyond belief...rain held off.  Shared the pit with Mike Ring(1st time solo, and he podiumed!) John Bragon - yeah John, you are getting takes a couple seasons to get the body used to the endurance eh?   Let's see an even better PB at the fall event!, and Johns' dad was pit boss for us - thank you!
Finally...another highlight from the day...Ice cold can of beer at the end!
Looking forward to the fall 8 hours....want to do better, go faster!
my placing 4/10  11 laps in 7hrs 37min of approx 112k 
stats from the garmin
Distance:95.58 km
Elevation Gain:2,390 m
Calories:10,233 C
(the garmin with it's satelite tracking is not so accurate in the single track as it tends to "cut corners", which is why it shows only 95.58km) The "time" shows 8:52 because I forgot to stop the timer.  What is interesting I find is the "moving time" 7:19:48...this means that I spent 18 minutes during the race "stopped".
Moving Time:07:19:48
Elapsed Time:08:52:45
Avg Speed:10.8 km/h
Avg Moving Speed:13.0 km/h
Max Speed:38.7 km/h
Elevation Gain:2,390 m
Elevation Loss:2,382 m
Min Elevation:325 m
Max Elevation:418 m
Heart Rate
Avg HR:149 bpm
Max HR:193 bpm

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fitness over forty (or closer to 50)

It amazes me how quickly I can loose my fitness...or let me be specific.  It amazes me how quickly, without training for a few days, and pretty much abusing the body from a nutrition perspective, the top end of the fitness can vanish.  Last week I rode 6 consecutive days  ....(yes one of those days was at Joyride, just to keep the legs spinning), the last day was Thursday, where I pretty much blew up on the final climb...running on empty and then some.  Instead of going home and having a recovery type drink  - this is my favorite
I decided to have a few glasses of this..

Well it may have all kinds of anti-oxidizing properties, but it does not make a great recovery drink.  And yes, for those of you that read my earlier blog about falling asleep sitting up in front of the TV...well this was likely a contributing factor.
Feeling physically depleted on Saturday,  I (with my much better half) headed out for a road trip (car, not bike) for Prince Edward county...very cool area, visited some wineries - lots of cyclists doing the wine circuit; bought a bottle of Norman Hardie county Pinot Noir, (really looking forward to this one) and a couple other Pinot Noirs from other Wineries.  Okay back to "training" , so on this great little day trip, we ate crap (way too hungry...grabbed a club & fries), tasted a good local beer, and listened to some great music at the the Acoustic Grill in Picton - highly recommended.
Well I am all over the map with this posting aren't I? 
Sunday ....sleep, sleep 
Monday did some raspberry clearing at Durham forest, then yesterday was feeling ready for a ride.  
Call, he is sailing today.  Okay, who do you call when you want to have your legs bursting, your lungs on the verge of collapse?  Yes...Louis, joined Louis for one of his Durham forest race course preview rides.  The results were similar to a few weeks ago when I posted about this... try to stay ahead of Louis, blow up, collapse, recover, and ride some more.
Now this Wednesday morning, I am feeling much better, completely recovered, and looking forward to tomorrow's hammerfest.
Looking back at the title of this post..Fitness over forty (or closer to 50); the point that I wanted to make (that I seem to have diverted from) was that it still amazes me that the fitness can go so quickly, that recovery is so much longer than when I was younger.  One curious thing I notice though is, the amount of "fun" or "pleasure" that I get from a ride seems to be much more than when I was younger...there is that expression "youth is wasted on the youth" can be so true.
btw... my birthday is tomorrow so, "age" is playing very prominently with me today.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

No riding

After riding 6 consecutive days, I have not been on the bike since Thursday night.  Actually fell asleep sitting up in front of the TV on Thursday, after the ride. Felt pretty burnt Sat, & today.  Looking forward to getting back on the bike Monday evening.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lazy summer solo mountain bike ride

Caught the tail end of today tour stage (great link for streaming it here)....really would love to see Lance take one more, doubting that it will happen.  Once it was over I headed out to Durham for an easy recovery ride ~ haven't fully recovered from Thursday evening ride just me, Geoff & Mark were out for the fastest ride to date....climbing faster than ever.
So the plan was to take it easy..which I was reminded once I was on the trail is not an easy thing to do  when you are on a is just work to keep the bike moving.  So as I was saying, I wanted to take it easy, and when the trail took me through a raspberry patch, with lots and lots of raspberries I decided to stop for a snack.  They looked so go I decided to take a picture..

After making my way down to 3 rocks, I decided to head back via the road and see if I could find my way into the dagmar property...I was either successful or not....looking at the GPS data, I don't think I was, meaning that the woman that was insisting I was on private property, was right.

Anyways, make my way back to the car and Duh!  Seat bag is unzipped, and no car key :( , I must have forgot to zip it back up when I took the camera out (which I then kept in my pocket).

Retrace my route back to the raspberries...then on a for a few more km, no luck.  A call to Heather, and she headed out to with a key.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sweat was pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain....

Yeah, the title is a ripoff of this great tune by the butthole surfers

Yeah, crazy. Went out to Durham forest yesterday, was to meet Mark @ 6pm.  Unexpectedly in the parking lot ran into Louis Wong, Kung Fu Sam, Peter & Richard...I mentioned to Mark that it would be an easier ride tonight...ha!  I was wrong.  Louis says he wants to pre-ride/race the Thursday night series race course
Fun!  The plan is to pre-ride the 5k course, then race it 3 laps.  We do the pre-ride (it is freakin hot). Then we start...race at your own pace. 
My plan..make it fun for Louis.  Louis is quite a bit faster than me (especially on the climbs) I decide to give it everything I have, no pacing, and hold him off for as long as I can :)  Maybe do only 2 laps. The ride starts, and I surprise him pulling up along side him..he says you can pass me...and I open it up...flying downhills, going for broke...and I have dropped him...heart rate at 170.  I finish the long climb to complete lap 1 and he is nowhere to be seen. So I give it some more. Into the first climb on Lap 2, I am starting to overheat...heart racing, a few shivers.
Glancing over my left shoulder I can see Louis on a switch back , still a fair ways back but gaining on me.  I blow up riding through the pines..and he passes me.  I stick with him out onto the double track, and through the next section of single track..doing some friendly taunting..."I didn't realize you were so slow through the single track" "are you taking a break" (meanwhile I am on the verge of blowing up again).  Stay on his wheel through the next section of double track, then drop the freakin hammer before we get to the single track, and pass him...gain some time through the single track, then hit more double track..starting the climb up to the start/finish he is about 100meters behind me. Trying to stay go...he catches and passes me about 50 meters from the finish.  I blow up, sweat is pouring from my head like an avalance coming down the moutain. Shivers.  Off the bike and walk the final 30 meters to the top of the hill.  For some reason I decide to get back on the bike..suck back a gel and some drink and feel down the hills, climb...bump a few trees..but I can see Louis through the switchbacks (superfly ally) maybe 200m ahead.  Pour it on...thinking I can catch this guy before he hits the final climb. End of race...I didn't catch him, he finished about  a minute and a half ahead of me.  Excellent ride...2 litres of water gone in about 50 min. Legs pumped.
This was not the ride I expected, it was a real blast.  I was on a high for several hours after.
Ride details
A couple other notes...I also did a lower intensity 17k solo ride in Durham on Monday.
On Sunday, like a couple a$$holes, Martin & I decided to do a 110k ride up to Simcoe in 32c+ heat (cooler on the way up, hotter on the way back)...highlight of the day was stopping off in a graveyard close to Goodwood inorder to cool off for a few minutes, and finding a functioning hand pump...icecold water to cool us down and wash off the sweat. Priceless.
Four days of riding and I am spent.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bike Bling

The wife of a friend of mine said to my's man jewelery, and with packaging like this who can argue.... The new egg beaters are so pretty I almost don't want to use them.
These new eggbeater 3's are a replacement for the SL's, and come with a 5 year warranty. Not sure what the old warranty was, but they always needed rebuilding within a year.  They do look more durable than the old ones...which are creaking and due for another bearing replacement. Oh yeah, at 144 grams per pedal they are nine grams heavier than the old ones :) (The other items are avid replacement pads, and the Vittoria's for my road bike)

I also have a new Niner carbon fork (Yes, I cracked the original Misfit fork, which was warranty replaced).
The weight at 1.27lbs is almost exactly the same as the old aluminum it is replacing.  I really liked the aluminum Misfit... a fair bit of fore/aft flex which helps in the bumps, however the new fork has none of that.  It "may" be better at absorbing some of the bumps though...where it really shines is in the responsiveness.  There is no lag on the waiting for the flex to max out before the fork responds.  Actually ..there is one issue I am having...not quite worked out yet.  The Avid Juicy 7 caliper makes contact with a few of the spokes when I am either leaning to the left, or fully weighting the front wheel...really need to get this one this point it is only an annoying tick.  Had the folks at Silent adjust it yesterday...didn't quite do it, will try it again tonight.
Final bit is this....can you see the crack...may have to expand the picture...yes seems I cracked the aluminum shaft.  Hopefully FSA will warranty replace it  This is what I have...many of the reviews are not so good..FSA V-DRIVE MegaXo crankset with BB  The Bottom bracket it self went after about 6 months, replaced that with a Cris King.  For now I have taken the XT off my superlight...much better crank.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Noodle ride today & Ravenshoe on Canada day

After checking out the Strawberry festival here in Stouffville, I took the misfit out for a ride on the dirt roads in my area today...really nice ride.  In the '70s a lot of this land was either expropriated by the Feds, or bought out by the provincial government ...all for the Pickering airport..which has still not been built.
What it means for any one that loves the countryside subdivisions, no malls.  Another time I will take pictures of what in my opinion is a real jewel.details are here

Ravenshoe on Canada day  -what a fun place, been riding here for what? 8 years? Only 1km by 1km but it packs 13km of trails into that small space.  An hour and 20 minutes...and you have covered just about every trail.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Something to push against

I have had some really tough, fun rides lately...the most recent being yesterday at Ravenshoe...tough place to ride a rigid SS, especially when you are on some technical rooty trails trying to keep up with the boys riding their full suspension rigs.

However, since the Mohican100, I haven't been "training" for anything, no specific goals, hmmming & hawing over doing the HAN solo...didn't race the solstice...seeing my weight slowly creep up...obviously I need a race to train for - yes, my cycling goals for 2010 have been met...they were : a good ride at the PA, use the Spring 8 hour as a warmup for the Mohican100

Was strongly considering this race...Wilderness101.  I have heard very good things about this big loop, however it is during our (Heather & my) vacation week...I suggested coming with me, but this didn't go over well. So... at the invitation of Johnny boy...I have registered for the Summer Epic 8 hour ....Solo! Not the same as doing a single loit will be 10k loops...and I will go for a PB of 13. I will write more later.
Looking forward to a good long ride on Sunday at Durham with Toby & Louis.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Went looking for the luck

I was on a course today,,,right beside the Don, so I thought...why not do a Don ride, and then checkout the setup for the G20, maybe take in a few protests
The Don was great, dropped in at Leslie & Eglington...took the flats down to pottery the the paved trail down to lakeshore..graffiti...

interesting....lots of police, freakin many police, the barriers, sort of like watching some movie where Toronto has been turned into a police state..more police than people.

I rode by the anarchists, I road up bay street, no anarchists, front anarchists, just some people walking, and police everywhere, up to city hall...where are these damn protesters!  Okay...ride up to Queens park...surely there must be some protesters there....nada, just some peace lovin hippies.
Okay, so no clashes today.  I decide to go see the roadside memorial that was setup for Darcy Allan Sheppard (earlier today I ran into Michael a uniform he was wearing one of his pretty suits, with a purple tie).  There was no memorial, no fire hydrant, no trees -everything has been removed in advance of the summit.
Headed back to the Don...what a great place to ride....but what's up with the bobcats?  Is the ridge trail being turned into a multi-use trail? Durham hammer ride tomorrow as I will be at a TRCA meeting at Dagmar...dealing with the GlenMajor/Walkers Woods lands (now called East Duffins Headwaters)...Click here for more info

Final ride Stats

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Epic Sat. ride from Courtice

On an invite from Mr. John Connors I headed out to Courtice this morning for what was promised to be an epic, hilly ride.  Met Pierre & Art at Johns... then picked up Geoff on the way.  Beautiful roads out that way...north of Bowmanville & Newcastle.  I new we were really "east" when we went over 35/115...along the way we picked up a couple other riders (Chris & Anne...good company).
The hills were a blast we me "determined" to drop Geoff...(he he I thought...he gave me a hard time...beat me up the hills on Thurs....but today, I have gears, I will conquer!) Ha! it was
not to be...Geoff is the king of the mountains....We raced up a couple hills, and held together  - along with John.
  Here's Geoff moments after finishing the Starkville climb...looking relaxed (I however was gasping for air, heart pumping, trying desperately to get oxygenated blood to the legs)
John at the top of Starkville...

I snapped this photo just before hitting the climb... form...

This was an epic ride, almost 3, 000 feet of climbing over 84km at a good pace, very little traffic, good asphalt...tiny bit of rain at the end to make it interesting - and I was ready for the end.

Then finish up at Casa John's with a couple cold beers & snacks!  Thank you

One other note:  Got a good hunger on on the way home...came up Markham road...eyes peeled for a roti shop..even better...found this place.  Food was possibly the best Indian I have ever enjoyed.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Durham hammer

Good ride on Sunday...Headed out to Durham with Mark where we met up with Louis, Martin, and Toby.

The call I got from Louis on Sat. afternoon said it all..."Hey Tom I want to do an endurance ride, 60km, no stopping" Nice!
 From the main parking we headed right over to GM/WW, and then over to the Wilder property, down to the Brock track - really nice change up. Mark & Martin took a left to start heading back, and Toby, Louis and me made our way over to three rocks (all of us on single speeds)...the plan was to climb the back of dagmar (biggest, baddest hill in the area) once or twice. I had been leading the group today, and fully expected to get passed on this didn't happen? hmmm is Louis having an off day, or am I getting stronger?

We all agreed that one climb of this hill was good enough, and we started to make our way back to Durham...this is a good 10k return with lots of ups & downs,,,I kept the pace high...and did my best to drop both of them....they were not having it...Toby always on my wheel, Louis maybe 20 meters back.

Louis ended up breaking a chain on one of the steep little ups, and had to walk out to the road. Me & Toby decided to race to the top..about 1.5k with overall 40 meters of climbing...we took off, climbing a bunch of switchbacks...Toby right on my wheel...once we got to the double track, he pulled out and passed me :( f*$%# anyways...(I love racing this section)...I relaxed my upper body and just concentrated on moving the cranks over faster, trying to catch him. In the end, he beat me to the top by about 100 feet...I was gaining on him, and I would like to believe if there was another 500 feet of distance I would have caught him..but who knows..although he said he was tired..he may have had more in the tank. Damn! :)

All in all, 34k, just over half what we planned...but the intensity more than made up for it. My legs are feeling it today.
Click here for our HR data

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tues night Albion races

I got out to Albion last night for the Tuesday night races...great series, and a great bunch of people racing.

This type of racing is so different from the long endurance races.  Think three 5km laps all out, gasping for air, quads feeling like they are going to explode.
Summary...a 5k warm up...then
58 minutes
Ave h/r 154 Max 170
Ave speed 15.3km/h
Finish invigorated on a high
body starts to shutdown  on the 1 hr drive home
Asleep by 10.15

Monday, June 7, 2010

Mohican 100 report

Conditions were terrible
Completed in 12hrs8min - 19th of 33 singlespeed starters

Rain - lots of it.  I was watching the weather closely leading up to the race, and it had rained pretty much every day last week, rolling in to the area on Friday it rained as hard as I have ever seen it rain - most cars stopping on the highway.  It stopped for a while, long enough for me to register and get the tent set up.  It was an early night to bed, as race start was 7am.
It rained overnight - a lot.

Lined up with 600 starters - and it was't raining ....

We headed out of town up a long hill on a paved road, felt good, single speed gearing felt great (32x19 on the 29r), had to remind myself that this is a hundred mile race, take it easy, onto some dirt roads, then down a mud trail...slick slippery.

Before long we were into the Mohican MTB trails...we covered something like 35k of these trails...very cool, bench cut switch backs..technical rock gardens, would be fantastic riding if it wasn't covered in 2" - 4" of mud.  The mud got worse and there were lots of hike a bike sections...seemed like a lot of people were having chain suck issues (again, happy for the SS).
I think it took me about 5 hours to reach the aid station #2 - the 34 mile mark.  Crazy. Things did pick up after this...there were some dirt road sections, some country lanes....and climbs there were some crazy climbs that went on and on that would have been tough to walk in good conditions...add the mud and a bike to push.  Did I mention steam crossings?  Swollen streams 2-3 feet deep.

Here are a couple shots I took while pushing the bike up a dirt road  - I promise I wasn't tilting the really was that steep :) this point I had been all over the map mentally...quit at the next aid station, I'm not having fun...I don't want to quit etc.  Well I came to aid station 3, mile 46.  This is where the 100 kilometer racers start to head back.  There was a big sign showing  <-100km  100m->. Decision time. Coming into the station I was close to bonking (last section was a ride across soaked grassy fields..just sucking the power out of the legs) I was getting encouragement from a rider behind me, (don't it!).  I pulled in to the aid station, popped a couple ibuprofens, and ate a PB&J mmm....*
I took a few minutes and watched what the other racers were doing...waited to see anyone take the 100 mile direction (a long long climb up a grassy hill).  I saw a singlespeeder head up the hill, and thought..what the hell, give it a go.

So climb, push bike, controlled slide down hill, climb push bike... fun...feeling good on the climbs again.  Then some road section, and the skies open up...rain..biblical rain.. I hit the rail trail (10 or 12 miles, gradual up hill) and it is a river...I am riding uphill into this river averaging 3" deep, with sections over 1 foot deep.  During this time I did not see one other rider...I just put my head down and turned over the cranks...being on the SS, I was concerned about getting caught/passed by geared riders ( this point I am only trying to finish the race, and I am still thinking about passing/being passed).  At one point with the rain raging around me (amazing thing is it felt good at all the mud washed off me) I hear a siren - loud.  Really Really loud, like something is going to run me down....I found out later this was the tornado warning.

Before hitting checkpoint 4 (yes, it was a long 26 miles between 3 & 4) I got caught by a couple other of them was Doug from Syracuse ...he passed me, I passed him, and in the end we ended up working together on the road sections, and just generally chatting, his positive attitude was infectious.

At Aid station 4 it was 28 miles to the end and "only" another 4,000 feet or so of climbing - the rain had stopped, but  the damage was done...the singletrack was 4" deep mud.  Lots of push bike - and the final 6 miles of the race was single track. The final 1 or 2 miles was mostly downhill singletrack switchbacks, rock gardens just trying to keep the bike upright. One final stream crossing and we were at the finish line..
...the beer glass that the finishers get...was filled with beer a few times after the race.

In closing...this was a "mental" race, the decision to keep going.  I am glad I completed it, and the feeling afterwards was really really good. I am already thinking about doing the Wilderness 101  Cleaned up and back at the campsite with my feet up listening to Tom Petty's Highway Companion, enjoying a glass of wine. Cool. rained overnight again.
I cannot get over the results of the top people..the top singlespeeder finished almost 4 hours before the same time it looks like half of the 250 registered entries in the 100 mile either dnf'ed or dns.
Full race results are here...

My race details are here

*Yes the aid stations were really well stocked pb&j, bananas, Heed, gels, cookies etc.  The volunteers were truly amazing - so many people .. marshaling, working the aid stations - in some miserable weather, and everyone of them that I met had a smile and words of encouragement.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

4 days until the Mohican 100

Friday I am heading down to a place called Loudonville, Ohio to take part in a  100 mile mountain bike race on Saturday.
So this week I am preoccupied with drop bags, tire choices, remembering my passport etc.
As for riding....I am going to take it very easy, a light spin tonight and then again tomorrow.
Last week's riding has set me up well - Joyride on Tuesday, skinnys & Jumps, Thursday hammer ride with buddies at Durham (actually....this ride really knocked to snot out of me....Geoff was out with us (work has meant he can't join us often)....anyways between Alan (way to fast) and Geoff the pace was higher than ever...with me and Geoff racing up the final set of in front of Geoff...him passing me and opening a 200 foot gap...then me just relaxing the upper body and moving all energy into spinning the cranks...catching him on the final climb and finishing 100 feet up on him.  Took everything I had.  Love those rides.  Saturday was planning on doing 60 or 70k mtn bike ride..but I learned a good lesson..I hadn't recovered my depleted reserves from Thursday, so I managed 38k with 3200 feet of climbing (went for every hill I could find including the back side of Dagmar).  Sunday was a quick, hard 45k road ride with Mark & Martin.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May 24 weekend Rides

The DMBA* Pancake breakfast/take a child ride was on for Sat morning.
A really great job of laying out a course, maybe 4k long that took the little ones through some single track, double track, uphills and down hills to make it a great adventure. Thank you.
3-stage ride. Left the house at 7.15 to meet Alan at the base of Osler Bluff.  Alan likes to climb, so do I. This was possibly the toughest, longest climb I have done in Ontario. I was on the SS, running 32x19, and I did have to get off the bike an push in a couple sections....Alan, a strong rider with gears was able to clear the whole thing.
This snapshot 15min over 2km sums up the climb well. My HR is in Red, elevation in green.  Yes it was up up up. Once at the top, we rode over to the main entrance at 2nd concession, and the ride was on.  I have ridden these trails on short travel 26" bikes, a Blur LT with 5" of travel, this was my first time on a 29" rigid SS. Again I am amazed at how these big wheels suck so much up.  I wasn't able to plow over everything like on the blurLT, but rocks that would stop a 26" bike dead in its tracks, I just rolled over.

After covering some of the initial trails on the top, Alan took us to the east side, and down a couple trails I had never been on... possibly the best trail I have ever ridden in Ontario...technical rock gardens switchbacks up and down...then into an insane downhill with more switchbacks.
I could go on an on...but enough to say that it was a really excellent ride that included climbing the escarpment twice, cliff riding with fabulous views of the pretty river valley, rock gardens, and a wild decent down a snowshoe trail.  4 1/2 hours 2 broken spokes and 3 water bottles later we emerged from the forest back where we started.
Back to Alan's place for a beer, and meet his family...then back to Stouffville....wonderful day.  Must get up to Collingwood more often.
Ride stats are Here
Beautiful day, working around the house in the sun...then off for an easy road ride...or that was the plan.
Do you ever feel that something doesn't want you to ride?
My floor pump broke...I mean air comes out the sides,,, okay, still can't find my frame pump...put some air in with the minipump and head over to Mark's place to use his floor pump and I am off for the ride.
After 20k or so, decide to take a a cliff bar and just enjoy being out in the sun...staring out at farmer's fields..then bang! Tube explodes.  No worries...replace the tube with the spare..manage to put maybe 40lbs pressure into the tube with the minipump...easy pedal home....then when I am about 6km from home..I decide to stop and add more air....mistake...the valve snaps, air runs out. No phone :(  long walk home.
*If you mountainbike in Durham, you should join DMBA...the advocacy group working to ensure we have trails to ride.  contact them directly or speak to me.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Recovery week

After punishing the body all day last Sat at the spring 8 hour, then recovering with Pizza, Beer, Wine, Jacuzi on Sat. night, my body was feeling pretty sore on Sunday, and worse on Monday...thank the gods for Ibuprofen.
The week has been busy at work...Tuesday I did manage to stop in at Joyride on the way home , spent a couple hours doing nothing other than trying to ride a particular skinny, or land a jump. Love that
Got out again last night at Durham forest with the crew....felt strong...real strong, felt strong enough to knock the top dog out.. yeah Alan...ha!  I stayed on his tail coming back up from the bottom of GM/WW...pushing hard, feeling strong....everyone else decided...okay let those guys go...on the final straight climb, I decided to pull out beside him, and drop him with my newly aquired strength from the solo 8.  I got about a bike length in front of him, when he looked over at me....and just dropped the hammer leaving me 30 feet behind in seconds~! Ha, jokes on me. Good fun.
Just got back from 75 min of Moksha yoga,, ready for Wine, pizza and TV.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mansfield spring 8 hour

This was my first 8 of the season..8 hr of solo race at Mansfield outdoor center.
First ever podium...yes, very unexpected, I got 3rd place in the singlespeed solo category.
A couple equipment notes...
I was riding a Misfit(rigid)
A couple last minute equipment changes
Kenda Small block 8's(first ride on them...real fast)
Ergon grips with barends - Wow, I am sold!
These things are amazing.... The only reason I am able to type today is because of these grips...If you ride a single speed in endurance events, and if that single speed has a rigid fork, this is the way to go.

I had done quite a bit of training earlier in the season (South Carolina), but very little riding in the last couple weeks, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I went into the race thinking
1 - I would like to get 12 laps in, 1 more than in 2009 & 2008
2 - It's a warm up, a long ride in preparation for the Mohican 100 , a 100 mile race I am doing the first weekend in June.
This was the first time Heather, my wife had come out to one of these events, and by buddy John Bragdonfrom Kingston was going to be there, as well as Mark & John Connors would be there doing a tag team with there family...Nice.

Race report
I started at the very back after a last minute run back to the car, add more air to the I looked down and thought "pinch flat" (good move as I did not flat during the race).

First lap was the busy, as I passed rider after rider...feeling strong, as the race went on I continued feeling good, and having family and friends in the solo pit cheering me on was really cool.

I struggled though a few laps (4, 5? its all a blur) then really started feeling good after 75 - 80k
A "side" thing that was going on during all this was, my buddies Mark & John competing as tag team LuvHammer had vowed to take me down :) some good trash talking over the previous weeks...well these guys were right there, we traded leads 3, 4 5 times during the race, some good friendly banter as we woud pass each other.. maybe around the 8 or 9 laps in, I started thinking...I might be able to beat these guys...this was another motivator to go faster when your legs are screaming stop.

I had decided to call it quits on lap pace was better than the previous years, I was tired, but someone on the trail said to me "what do you mean this is your last lap, you are climbing far to fast for this to be your last lap". So true...there was still a bit left in the motor, and I had been thinking...I really haven't been passed by too many riders..I wonder where I am...maybe I could actually podium, so as I came through the finish of lap 11, I kept going for lap 12.
riding time 7hr59min41sec
distance 133k
climbing approx 9,000
Advils 4

To close off the day...I got to stand on the podium and get my 3rd place medal..then off to the Pomps for pizza, wine & hot tub. ahhh. Perfect way to end a long day in the saddle.
Interesting notation...all three of us 1st 2nd & 3rd place were on Misfits

strange looking map...does anyone else see an animal with something in it's beak? (yes, this is the race route...12 times over)
click here for the Garmin details

Finally...a really big thanks to Heather, Jamie & everyone else cheering me on, and passing me gel, cliff blocks & drinks :)