
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Went looking for the luck

I was on a course today,,,right beside the Don, so I thought...why not do a Don ride, and then checkout the setup for the G20, maybe take in a few protests
The Don was great, dropped in at Leslie & Eglington...took the flats down to pottery the the paved trail down to lakeshore..graffiti...

interesting....lots of police, freakin many police, the barriers, sort of like watching some movie where Toronto has been turned into a police state..more police than people.

I rode by the anarchists, I road up bay street, no anarchists, front anarchists, just some people walking, and police everywhere, up to city hall...where are these damn protesters!  Okay...ride up to Queens park...surely there must be some protesters there....nada, just some peace lovin hippies.
Okay, so no clashes today.  I decide to go see the roadside memorial that was setup for Darcy Allan Sheppard (earlier today I ran into Michael a uniform he was wearing one of his pretty suits, with a purple tie).  There was no memorial, no fire hydrant, no trees -everything has been removed in advance of the summit.
Headed back to the Don...what a great place to ride....but what's up with the bobcats?  Is the ridge trail being turned into a multi-use trail? Durham hammer ride tomorrow as I will be at a TRCA meeting at Dagmar...dealing with the GlenMajor/Walkers Woods lands (now called East Duffins Headwaters)...Click here for more info

Final ride Stats

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